Организационные вопросы


Приветствую! Примите, пожалуйста, участи в обсуждении темы "О роботах" на портале сообщества. Для того, чтобы в разделе могли работать боты, я предлагаю принять "стандартную политику". --Emaus 16:05, 22 октяб 2010 (UTC)

2000 гижöт

2000 гижöт
--Kmoksy 06:12, 11 юнь 2011 (YEKST)

Days of the year



Do you know that with my friend EmausBot, I can quickly create perfect pages for the whole 367 days of the Year ? I need only minimal informations… (See e. g. here, here, here.)

Budelberger 07:43, 20 юнь 2011 (YEKST).


A date format in our language is YYYY’ month DD’ лун, e.g.:

2011’ юнь 22’ лун

The apostrophe is in Biarmian (= Komi-Permyak) a sign adjacent to a numeral denoting that it is an ordinal number. About the ordinal indicators in other languages see [1]

The word лун means ‘day’. It is mandatory to use in both the Komi languages!

The Biarmian names of all the 12 months are given below. On the right you can see out of date purist version, but practically are used only the Latin names in an adapted form. These borrowed forms of the names from январ to декаб are what should be used in the title, e.g.

Январ 15’ лун

The month names are spelled in Biarmian with a lowercase letter except at the beginning of a sentence or a title.

The modern name The puristic name
1 январ тӧвшӧр
2 февраль тӧвпом
3 март тулысодз
4 апрель тулысшӧр
5 май тулыспом
6 юнь гожумодз
7 юль гожумшӧр
8 август гожумпом
9 сентяб ародз
10 октяб аршӧр
11 нояб арпом
12 декаб тӧводз

By the way, the biarmian date format (e.g. 17:20, 2011' юнь 22' лун) should be the default for this section of Wikipedia. Our standart time is from this year constant (no daylight saving time): UTS+6.

Merci! Permian 17:20, 22 юнь 2011 (YEKST)

Happy to read you here. I have to create some templates (first in English ; Komi translation will follow), do some tests, ask Native Users for validation, and then, ask Emaus, if EmausBot is still my friend…
I do prefer purest Komi month names than latin-russian names, but may I be more Komi than Komis ?…
(I create perfect Day articles in Ewe, Pontic, Armenian, Rusyn, etc., but I need Native Speakers ; it's not easy to be a poor lonesome illiterate Wikipedian…)
Budelberger 03:45, 23 юнь 2011 (YEKST).
What do you think of this article ? Templates are still written in English and Ewe (and therefore Categories), so Don't be cruel with me ; and don't look at the BBC & the NYT templates in Отир казялöм section, they don't work yet. --Budelberger 05:10, 24 юнь 2011 (YEKST). (You may compare with Ewe Siamlɔm 20, where BBC and the NYT are perfect templates. I have some work to do here…)
Do you think that instead of this ugly apostrophe « ' », Gentle Komi People may use this beautyful one, « ’ » — « 2011’ гожумодз (!) 24’ лун » instead of « 2011' юнь (!…) 24' лун » ?… --Budelberger 08:02, 24 юнь 2011 (YEKST).
The U-2019 seems to be not only more beautiful than the U-0027, but it’s obviously more pragmatic too, because 1) the U-0027 can be easily confused with a numeral and 2) the U-2019 like the corresponding letter at the end of the ordinal suffix. In addition, the U-2019 is the only character used by native speakers for this purpose in practice (including koi.wikipedia).
It’s very pity, but the Latin names are inevitable. We need to prefer them, if we want to make the texts understandable to the modern biarmians… Permian 14:34, 24 юнь 2011 (YEKST)
Bonjour !
I don't talk to the Modern Biarmians, but only to the Gentle Ones !… (Because I'm a very old Conservative Frenchman too.)
So, I don't understand your answer :
  1. I can't confuse U+0027, « ' », with a numeral (« 1 » ?) ; do you ?
  2. I don't know – because I'm an illiterate scholar – what letter ends the ordinal suffix : I can't see something like U+2019, « ’ », in your Modern Anbur.
So, if you agree with me, I'll use U+2019, « ’ », instead of U+0027, « ' », in this way (« > » means « redirection ») :
тулысодз 1' лун > март 1' лун > тулысодз 1’ лун > март 1’ лун ; okaye ? (So, Users may write any apostrophe in articles ; and any month name…)
Once again, please, what do you think of this article ?
Budelberger 17:28, 24 юнь 2011 (YEKST).
(Are month names built in this way : Season + suffix – -шӧр, -пом, -одз – ?)
(Next message : I'll ask you some translations from English/Ewe to Komi…)
I support the « ’ » too, but I would like just to note that both characters are used in Wikipedia to date… Enye Lav 17:07, 24 юнь 2011 (YEKST)
OK! It will be great! I have no complaints about the article! It’s just what we need.
The “comma” instead of a “dash” is more expressive, because the dash can be associated with the number 1 (handwritten), while the comma remember the stylized т (or in zyrian a main variant of handwritten д), that's spoken at the end of the ordinal suffix.
You are right: the puristic month names have the structure: season + suffix – -одз (beginning), -шӧр (middle), -пом (end).
Waiting for your English text Permian 18:04, 24 юнь 2011 (YEKST)
(« Waiting for your Ewe text »…)
Okaye, okaye, it will be great ! But now, I'm very tired of those damned templates and special letters ! I'm going to sleep a little bit of time ! Please – Both of You –, write something in this stub !…
Budelberger 19:05, 24 юнь 2011 (YEKST).
(This Wikipedia, without any arrogant Administrateur, wealthy of Native Users and Foreigners – my friend Kmoksy from Turkey – will be a Great Wikipedia : Yaşa !…)
  • Well, I can start of article creation. But can you translate the name ot template {{Ŋkeke le ƒea me}}? --Emaus 03:52, 26 юнь 2011 (YEKST)

Some translations needed…



From Ewe to Komi !

  • Day =
  • Month =
  • (fr) quantième = (en) day of the month = (ru) ? = (in « Январ 9’ лун », « Январ » is the month, « 9 » is the quantième of the day of the month.)
  • Template:Day of the year =
  • Шаблон:Календарь на месяц =
  • Шаблон:Календарь на месяц/Категории =
  • Шаблон:Календарь на месяц/Неделя =
  • Category:Days of the year = (cf. Category:Days of the year)
  • Category:Days = (cf. Category:Days)
  • Category:Calendars = (cf. Category:Calendars)
  • Category:Chronology = (cf. Category:Chronology)
  • Category:Day = (cf. Category:Day)
  • BBC: On This Day =
  • The New York Times: On This Day =

Has лун the same singular/plural form from « 1 лун » to « 365 лун » ?


Budelberger 05:11, 25 юнь 2011 (YEKST).

S'il vous plaît!

  • Day = лун
  • Month = тӧлысь
  • (fr) quantième = (en) day of the month = (ru) ? = кынымӧт лун
  • Template:Day of the year = Шаблон:Лун
  • Шаблон:Календарь на месяц = Шаблон:Тӧлысь кеж лунлыддян
  • Шаблон:Календарь на месяц/Категории = Шаблон:Тӧлысь кеж лунлыддян/Категорияэз
  • Шаблон:Календарь на месяц/Неделя = Шаблон:Тӧлысь кеж лунлыддян/Вежон
  • Category:Days of the year = Категория:Во сьӧрна луннэз
  • Category:Days = Категория:Луннэз
  • Category:Calendars = Категория:Лунлыддяннэз
  • Category:Chronology = Категория:Кадлыддьӧм
  • Category:Day = Категория:Лун
  • BBC: On This Day = Би-Би-Си: Этія лунӧ
  • The New York Times: On This Day = Нью Йорк Таймз: Этія лунӧ

After the numeral nouns (the лун too) are always singular!

Enye Lav 13:06, 25 юнь 2011 (YEKST)

(Note : My Dear Friends Komis, in French – and in English till the 70's ; I own a 1966 edition of Encyclopedia Britannica and 1972 Teach Yourself Sanskrit showing it –, we add a space before « ! », « ? », « ; », « : », « – » ; so « Salut ! », etc. I don't know why English is so primitive since the mid-70's…)

Why do you have plural forms – луннэз –, if you don't use it ?! Do you intend them only for bothering Foreigners ?…

May I call the main Template « Day of the year » « Во сьӧрна лун » instead of « лун » ? Because I already use a Template:лун in this way : {{formatnum: {{{1}}}nbsp;лун », e. g. (40 years) {{лун|14610}} : 14 610 лун (and {{лун|14610|}} : 14 610 лун). (See also here.)

I thank you for your answer (how is the weather in Göttingen ?…) ; we should create a special page for Komi discussions (see in Rusyn) in order to leave Permian's Page…


Budelberger 17:55, 25 юнь 2011 (YEKST).

(Please, add some content here ! Thanks.)

(I'm waiting for EmausBot ; Emaus is still sleeping, for ({{лун|2}}) 2 лун…)

Please see also Категория:Во сьӧрна луннэз (including « Top » ; does this Category need a « DEFAULSORT », « Во », « Луннэз » ?…) and Категория:Луннэз.

Budelberger 00:48, 26 юнь 2011 (YEKST).