Пытшкӧсыс чышкӧма Пытшкӧсыс содтӧма
Budelberger (сёрни | пуктöм)
Kmoksy (сёрни | пуктöм)
Визёк 32:
::« création »… You are right, Dear Friend… French is ''THE'' language, of the World, the language one must know, understand, read, write ! [[Участник:Budelberger|Budelberger]] 18:04, 27 юнь 2011 (YEKST). (I declare that henceforth : « French is the official language of the Komi Nation ! »… – And Komi Gentle People ''may'' speak komi languages as a second tongue…)
:::Oui, Oui, Ouuuiii. --[[Участник:Kmoksy|Kmoksy]] 18:17, 27 юнь 2011 (YEKST)